This Shabad is by Bhagat Kabeer Ji in Salok Kabeer Jee on Pannaa 1374 |
kbIr inrml bUMd Akws kI pir geI BUim ibkwr ] |
kabeer niramal boo(n)dh akaas kee par gee bhoom bikaar || |
Kabeer, the pure drop of water falls from the sky, onto the dirty ground. |
ibnu sMgiq ieau mWneI hoie geI BT Cwr ]195] |
bin sa(n)gath eio maa(n)nee hoe gee bhat(h) shhaar ||195|| |
You must acknowledge this, that without the Sangat, the Holy Congregation, it turns into burnt ashes. ||195|| |
Thursday, 23 December 2010
Read a Random Shabad
Wednesday, 22 December 2010
Read a Random Shabad
This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Dhanaasree on Pannaa 680 |
DnwsrI mhlw 5 ] |
dhhanaasaree mehalaa 5 || |
Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehla: |
nwmu guir dIE hY ApunY jw kY msqik krmw ] |
naam gur dheeou hai apunai jaa kai masathak karamaa || |
My Guru gives the Naam, the Name of the Lord, to those who have such karma written on their foreheads. |
nwmu idRVwvY nwmu jpwvY qw kw jug mih Drmw ]1] |
naam dhrirraavai naam japaavai thaa kaa jug mehi dhharamaa ||1|| |
He implants the Naam, and inspires us to chant the Naam; this is Dharma, true religion, in this world. ||1|| |
jn kau nwmu vfweI soB ] |
jan ko naam vaddaaee sobh || |
The Naam is the glory and greatness of the Lord's humble servant. |
nwmo giq nwmo piq jn kI mwnY jo jo hog ]1] rhwau ] |
naamo gath naamo path jan kee maanai jo jo hog ||1|| rehaao || |
The Naam is his salvation, and the Naam is his honor; he accepts whatever comes to pass. ||1||Pause|| |
nwm Dnu ijsu jn kY pwlY soeI pUrw swhw ] |
naam dhhan jis jan kai paalai soee pooraa saahaa || |
That humble servant, who has the Naam as his wealth, is the perfect banker. |
nwmu ibauhwrw nwnk AwDwrw nwmu prwpiq lwhw ]2]6]37] |
naam biouhaaraa naanak aadhhaaraa naam paraapath laahaa ||2||6||37|| |
The Naam is his occupation, O Nanak, and his only support; the Naam is the profit he earns. |
Tuesday, 7 December 2010
Who is the Khalsa?
jb lg Kwlsw rhy inAwrw ]
qb lg qyj dIau mYN swrw ]
jb ieh ghY ibprn kI rIq ]
mYN nw kroN ien kI pRqIq ]
Jab lag Khalsa rahe niara.
tab lag tej dio mai sara.
jab eh gahe bipran ki reet.
mai na karo in ki parteet.
So long as Khalsa retains his distinct identity,
I will give him my entire radiance and strength.
But if he should take on a non-Sikh way of life,
then I shall have no confidence in him and withdraw my support and protection.
(Guru Gobind Singh, Sarb Loh Granth)
qb lg qyj dIau mYN swrw ]
jb ieh ghY ibprn kI rIq ]
mYN nw kroN ien kI pRqIq ]
Jab lag Khalsa rahe niara.
tab lag tej dio mai sara.
jab eh gahe bipran ki reet.
mai na karo in ki parteet.
So long as Khalsa retains his distinct identity,
I will give him my entire radiance and strength.
But if he should take on a non-Sikh way of life,
then I shall have no confidence in him and withdraw my support and protection.
(Guru Gobind Singh, Sarb Loh Granth)
jau qau pRym Kylx kw cwau ]
isru Dir qlI glI myrI Awau ]
iequ mwrig pYru DrIjY ]
isru dIjY kwix n kIjY ]20]
isru Dir qlI glI myrI Awau ]
iequ mwrig pYru DrIjY ]
isru dIjY kwix n kIjY ]20]
If you desire to play the game of love,
then bring me your head on the palm of your hand,
Having stepped on this path,
give your head and pay no heed to public attention
(Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji - Ang 1410) .
Guru Gobind Singh says,
“I love Sikh but for his acceptance of my discipline.”
We recite daily in Ardas:
Raj karega khalsa Aki rahe na koe,
khuar hoe sabh milainge bache sharan jo hoe
Only the Khalsa (Pure) shall rule.
Those who disobey shall perish and suffer.
As a result of sufferings, they shall return to the pure faith.
“I love Sikh but for his acceptance of my discipline.”
We recite daily in Ardas:
Raj karega khalsa Aki rahe na koe,
khuar hoe sabh milainge bache sharan jo hoe
Only the Khalsa (Pure) shall rule.
Those who disobey shall perish and suffer.
As a result of sufferings, they shall return to the pure faith.
When you place your feet on this Path, give Me your head, and do not pay any attention to public opinion. ||20||
This Shabad is by Guru Nanak Dev Ji in Salok Vaaraan Thay Vadheek on Pannaa 1410 |
<> siq nwmu krqw purKu inrBau inrvYru Akwl mUriq AjUnI sYBM gur pRswid ] |
ik oa(n)kaar sath naam karathaa purakh nirabho niravair akaal moorath ajoonee saibha(n) gur prasaadh || |
One Universal Creator God. Truth Is The Name. Creative Being Personified. No Fear. No Hatred. Image Of The Undying. Beyond Birth. Self-Existent. By Guru's Grace: |
slok vwrW qy vDIk ] |
salok vaaraa(n) thae vadhheek || |
Saloks In Addition To The Vaars. |
mhlw 1 ] |
mehalaa 1 || |
First Mehla: |
auqMgI pYEhrI gihrI gMBIrI ] |
outha(n)gee paiouharee gehiree ga(n)bheeree || |
O you with swollen breasts, let your consciousness become deep and profound. |
ssuiV suhIAw ikv krI invxu n jwie QxI ] |
sasurr suheeaa kiv karee nivan n jaae thhanee || |
O mother-in-law, how can I bow? Because of my stiff nipples, I cannot bow. |
gcu ij lgw igVvVI sKIey DaulhrI ] |
gach j lagaa girravarree sakheeeae dhhouleharee || |
O sister, those mansions built as high as mountains |
sy BI Fhdy ifTu mY muMD n grbu QxI ]1] |
sae bhee dtehadhae ddit(h) mai mu(n)dhh n garab thhanee ||1|| |
- I have seen them come crumbling down. O bride, do not be so proud of your nipples. ||1|| |
suix muMDy hrxwKIey gUVw vYxu Apwru ] |
sun mu(n)dhhae haranaakheeeae goorraa vain apaar || |
O bride with deer-like eyes, listen to the words of deep and infinite wisdom. |
pihlw vsqu is\wix kY qW kIcY vwpwru ] |
pehilaa vasath sin(j)aan kai thaa(n) keechai vaapaar || |
First, examine the merchandise, and then, make the deal. |
dohI idcY durjnw imqRW kUM jYkwru ] |
dhohee dhichai dhurajanaa mithraa(n) koo(n) jaikaar || |
Proclaim that you will not associate with evil people; celebrate victory with your friends. |
ijqu dohI sjx imlin lhu muMDy vIcwru ] |
jith dhohee sajan milan lahu mu(n)dhhae veechaar || |
This proclamation, to meet with your friends, O bride - give it some thought. |
qnu mnu dIjY sjxw AYsw hsxu swru ] |
than man dheejai sajanaa aisaa hasan saar || |
Surrender mind and body to the Lord your Friend; this is the most excellent pleasure. |
iqs sau nyhu n kIceI ij idsY clxhwru ] |
this so naehu n keechee j dhisai chalanehaar || |
Do not fall in love with one who is destined to leave. |
nwnk ijn@I iev kir buiJAw iqn@w ivthu kurbwxu ]2] |
naanak jinhee eiv kar bujhiaa thinhaa vittahu kurabaan ||2|| |
O Nanak, I am a sacrifice to those who understand this. ||2|| |
jy qUM qwrU pwix qwhU puCu iqVMn@ kl ] |
jae thoo(n) thaaroo paan thaahoo pushh thirra(n)nh kal || |
If you wish to swim across the water, then consult those who know how to swim. |
qwhU Kry sujwx vM\w eyn@I kprI ]3] |
thaahoo kharae sujaan va(n)n(j)aa eaenhee kaparee ||3|| |
Those who have survived these treacherous waves are very wise. ||3|| |
JV JKV EhwV lhrI vhin lKysrI ] |
jharr jhakharr ouhaarr leharee vehan lakhaesaree || |
The storm rages and the rain floods the land; thousands of waves rise and surge. |
siqgur isau Awlwie byVy fubix nwih Bau ]4] |
sathigur sio aalaae baerrae dduban naahi bho ||4|| |
If you cry out for help from the True Guru, you have nothing to fear - your boat will not sink. ||4|| |
nwnk dunIAw kYsI hoeI ] |
naanak dhuneeaa kaisee hoee || |
O Nanak, what has happened to the world? |
swlku imqu n rihE koeI ] |
saalak mith n rehiou koee || |
There is no guide or friend. |
BweI bMDI hyqu cukwieAw ] |
bhaaee ba(n)dhhee haeth chukaaeiaa || |
There is no love, even among brothers and relatives. |
dunIAw kwrix dInu gvwieAw ]5] |
dhuneeaa kaaran dheen gavaaeiaa ||5|| |
For the sake of the world, people have lost their faith. ||5|| |
hY hY kir kY Eih kryin ] |
hai hai kar kai ouhi karaen || |
They cry and weep and wail. |
gl@w iptin isru Kohyin ] |
galhaa pittan sir khohaen || |
They slap their faces and pull their hair out. |
nwau lYin Aru krin smwie ] |
naao lain ar karan samaae || |
But if they chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord, they shall be absorbed into it. |
nwnk iqn bilhwrY jwie ]6] |
naanak thin balihaarai jaae ||6|| |
O Nanak, I am a sacrifice to them. ||6|| |
ry mn fIig n folIAY sIDY mwrig Dwau ] |
rae man ddeeg n ddoleeai seedhhai maarag dhhaao || |
O my mind, do not waver or walk on the crooked path; take the straight and true path. |
pwCY bwGu frwvxo AwgY Agin qlwau ] |
paashhai baagh ddaraavano aagai agan thalaao || |
The terrible tiger is behind you, and the pool of fire is ahead. |
shsY jIArw pir rihE mw kau Avru n FMgu ] |
sehasai jeearaa par rehiou maa ko avar n dta(n)g || |
My soul is skeptical and doubtful, but I cannot see any other way to go. |
nwnk gurmuiK CutIAY hir pRIqm isau sMgu ]7] |
naanak guramukh shhutteeai har preetham sio sa(n)g ||7|| |
O Nanak, as Gurmukh, dwell with your Beloved Lord, and you shall be saved. ||7|| |
bwGu mrY mnu mwrIAY ijsu siqgur dIiKAw hoie ] |
baagh marai man maareeai jis sathigur dheekhiaa hoe || |
The tiger is killed, and the mind is killed, through the Teachings of the True Guru. |
Awpu pCwxY hir imlY bhuiV n mrxw hoie ] |
aap pashhaanai har milai bahurr n maranaa hoe || |
One who understands himself, meets with the Lord, and never dies again. |
kIciV hwQu n bUfeI eykw ndir inhwil ] |
keecharr haathh n booddee eaekaa nadhar nihaal || |
One who sees the One and Only Lord with his eyes - his hands shall not get muddy and dirty. |
nwnk gurmuiK aubry guru srvru scI pwil ]8] |
naanak guramukh oubarae gur saravar sachee paal ||8|| |
O Nanak, the Gurmukhs are saved; the Guru has surrounded the ocean with the embankment of Truth. ||8|| |
Agin mrY jlu loiV lhu ivxu gur iniD jlu nwih ] |
agan marai jal lorr lahu vin gur nidhh jal naahi || |
If you wish to put out the fire, then look for water; without the Guru, the ocean of water is not found. |
jnim mrY BrmweIAY jy lK krm kmwih ] |
janam marai bharamaaeeai jae lakh karam kamaahi || |
You shall continue to wander lost in reincarnation through birth and death, even if you do thousands of other deeds. |
jmu jwgwiq n lgeI jy clY siqgur Bwie ] |
jam jaagaath n lagee jae chalai sathigur bhaae || |
But you shall not be taxed by the Messenger of Death, if you walk in harmony with the Will of the True Guru. |
nwnk inrmlu Amr pdu guru hir mylY mylwie ]9] |
naanak niramal amar padh gur har maelai maelaae ||9|| |
O Nanak, the immaculate, immortal status is obtained, and the Guru will unite you in the Lord's Union. ||9|| |
klr kyrI CpVI kaUAw mil mil nwie ] |
kalar kaeree shhaparree kooaa mal mal naae || |
The crow rubs and washes itself in the mud puddle. |
mnu qnu mYlw AvguxI icMju BrI gMDI Awie ] |
man than mailaa avagunee chi(n)j bharee ga(n)dhhee aae || |
Its mind and body are polluted with its own mistakes and demerits, and its beak is filled with dirt. |
srvru hMis n jwixAw kwg kupMKI sMig ] |
saravar ha(n)s n jaaniaa kaag kupa(n)khee sa(n)g || |
The swan in the pool associated with the crow, not knowing that it was evil. |
swkq isau AYsI pRIiq hY bUJhu igAwnI rMig ] |
saakath sio aisee preeth hai boojhahu giaanee ra(n)g || |
Such is the love of the faithless cynic; understand this, O spiritually wise ones, through love and devotion. |
sMq sBw jYkwru kir gurmuiK krm kmwau ] |
sa(n)th sabhaa jaikaar kar guramukh karam kamaao || |
So proclaim the victory of the Society of the Saints, and act as Gurmukh. |
inrmlu n@wvxu nwnkw guru qIrQu drIAwau ]10] |
niramal nhaavan naanakaa gur theerathh dhareeaao ||10|| |
Immaculate and pure is that cleansing bath, O Nanak, at the sacred shrine of the Guru's river. ||10|| |
jnmy kw Plu ikAw gxI jW hir Bgiq n Bwau ] |
janamae kaa fal kiaa ganee jaa(n) har bhagath n bhaao || |
What should I account as the rewards of this human life, if one does not feel love and devotion to the Lord? |
pYDw KwDw bwid hY jW min dUjw Bwau ] |
paidhhaa khaadhhaa baadh hai jaa(n) man dhoojaa bhaao || |
Wearing clothes and eating food is useless, if the mind is filled with the love of duality. |
vyKxu sunxw JUTu hY muiK JUTw Awlwau ] |
vaekhan sunanaa jhoot(h) hai mukh jhoot(h)aa aalaao || |
Seeing and hearing is false, if one speaks lies. |
nwnk nwmu slwih qU horu haumY Awvau jwau ]11] |
naanak naam salaahi thoo hor houmai aavo jaao ||11|| |
O Nanak, praise the Naam, the Name of the Lord; everything else is coming and going in egotism. ||11|| |
hYin ivrly nwhI Gxy PYl PkVu sMswru ]12] |
hain viralae naahee ghanae fail fakarr sa(n)saar ||12|| |
The Saints are few and far between; everything else in the world is just a pompous show. ||12|| |
nwnk lgI quir mrY jIvx nwhI qwxu ] |
naanak lagee thur marai jeevan naahee thaan || |
O Nanak, one who is struck by the Lord dies instantaneously; the power to live is lost. |
cotY syqI jo mrY lgI sw prvwxu ] |
chottai saethee jo marai lagee saa paravaan || |
If someone dies by such a stroke, then he is accepted. |
ijs no lwey iqsu lgY lgI qw prvwxu ] |
jis no laaeae this lagai lagee thaa paravaan || |
He alone is struck, who is struck by the Lord; after such a stroke, he is approved. |
iprm pYkwmu n inklY lwieAw iqin sujwix ]13] |
piram paikaam n nikalai laaeiaa thin sujaan ||13|| |
The arrow of love, shot by the All-knowing Lord, cannot be pulled out. ||13|| |
BWfw DovY kauxu ij kcw swijAw ] |
bhaa(n)ddaa dhhovai koun j kachaa saajiaa || |
Who can wash the unbaked clay pot? |
DwqU pMij rlwie kUVw pwijAw ] |
dhhaathoo pa(n)j ralaae koorraa paajiaa || |
Joining the five elements together, the Lord made a false cover. |
BWfw Awxgu rwis jW iqsu BwvsI ] |
bhaa(n)ddaa aanag raas jaa(n) this bhaavasee || |
When it pleases Him, He makes it right. |
prm joiq jwgwie vwjw vwvsI ]14] |
param joth jaagaae vaajaa vaavasee ||14|| |
The supreme light shines forth, and the celestial song vibrates and resounds. ||14|| |
mnhu ij AMDy GUp kihAw ibrdu n jwxnI ] |
manahu j a(n)dhhae ghoop kehiaa biradh n jaananee || |
Those who are totally blind in their minds, do not have the integrity to keep their word. |
min AMDY aUNDY kvl idsin Kry krUp ] |
man a(n)dhhai oo(n)adhhai kaval dhisan kharae karoop || |
With their blind minds, and their upside-down heart-lotus, they look totally ugly. |
ieik kih jwxin kihAw buJin qy nr suGV srUp ] |
eik kehi jaanan kehiaa bujhan thae nar sugharr saroop || |
Some know how to speak and understand what they are told. Those people are wise and good-looking. |
ieknw nwdu n bydu n gIA rsu rsu ksu n jwxMiq ] |
eikanaa naadh n baedh n geea ras ras kas n jaana(n)th || |
Some do not know the Sound-current of the Naad, spiritual wisdom or the joy of song. They do not even understand good and bad. |
ieknw isiD n buiD n Akil sr AKr kw Byau n lhMiq ] |
eikanaa sidhh n budhh n akal sar akhar kaa bhaeo n leha(n)th || |
Some have no idea of perfection, wisdom or understanding; they know nothing about the mystery of the Word. |
nwnk qy nr Asil Kr ij ibnu gux grbu krMq ]15] |
naanak thae nar asal khar j bin gun garab kara(n)th ||15|| |
O Nanak, those people are really donkeys; they have no virtue or merit, but still, they are very proud. ||15|| |
so bRhmxu jo ibMdY bRhmu ] |
so brehaman jo bi(n)dhai breham || |
He alone is a Brahmin, who knows God. |
jpu qpu sMjmu kmwvY krmu ] |
jap thap sa(n)jam kamaavai karam || |
He chants and meditates, and practices austerity and good deeds. |
sIl sMqoK kw rKY Drmu ] |
seel sa(n)thokh kaa rakhai dhharam || |
He keeps to the Dharma, with faith, humility and contentment. |
bMDn qoVY hovY mukqu ] |
ba(n)dhhan thorrai hovai mukath || |
Breaking his bonds, he is liberated. |
soeI bRhmxu pUjx jugqu ]16] |
soee brehaman poojan jugath ||16|| |
Such a Brahmin is worthy of being worshipped. ||16|| |
KqRI so ju krmw kw sUru ] |
khathree so j karamaa kaa soor || |
He alone is a Kh'shaatriyaa, who is a hero in good deeds. |
puMn dwn kw krY srIru ] |
pu(n)n dhaan kaa karai sareer || |
He uses his body to give in charity; |
Kyqu pCwxY bIjY dwnu ] |
khaeth pashhaanai beejai dhaan || |
he understands his farm, and plants the seeds of generosity. |
so KqRI drgh prvwxu ] |
so khathree dharageh paravaan || |
Such a Kh'shaatriyaa is accepted in the Court of the Lord. |
lbu loBu jy kUVu kmwvY ] |
lab lobh jae koorr kamaavai || |
Whoever practices greed, possessiveness and falsehood, |
Apxw kIqw Awpy pwvY ]17] |
apanaa keethaa aapae paavai ||17|| |
shall receive the fruits of his own labors. ||17|| |
qnu n qpwie qnUr ijau bwlxu hf n bwil ] |
than n thapaae thanoor jio baalan hadd n baal || |
Do not heat your body like a furnace, or burn your bones like firewood. |
isir pYrI ikAw PyiVAw AMdir iprI sm@wil ]18] |
sir pairee kiaa faerriaa a(n)dhar piree samhaal ||18|| |
What have your head and feet done wrong? See your Husband Lord within yourself. ||18|| |
sBnI GtI shu vsY sh ibnu Gtu n koie ] |
sabhanee ghattee sahu vasai seh bin ghatt n koe || |
God the Cosmic Husband dwells within all hearts; without Him, there is no heart at all. |
nwnk qy sohwgxI ijn@w gurmuiK prgtu hoie ]19] |
naanak thae sohaaganee jinhaa guramukh paragatt hoe ||19|| |
O Nanak, the Gurmukhs are the happy, virtuous soul-brides; the Lord is revealed to them. ||19|| |
jau qau pRym Kylx kw cwau ] |
jo tho praem khaelan kaa chaao || |
If you desire to play this game of love with Me, |
isru Dir qlI glI myrI Awau ] |
sir dhhar thalee galee maeree aao || |
then step onto My Path with your head in hand. |
iequ mwrig pYru DrIjY ] |
eith maarag pair dhhareejai || |
When you place your feet on this Path, |
isru dIjY kwix n kIjY ]20] |
sir dheejai kaan n keejai ||20|| |
give Me your head, and do not pay any attention to public opinion. ||20|| |
nwil ikrwVw dosqI kUVY kUVI pwie ] |
naal kiraarraa dhosathee koorrai koorree paae || |
False is friendship with the false and greedy. False is its foundation. |
mrxu n jwpY mUilAw AwvY ikqY Qwie ]21] |
maran n jaapai mooliaa aavai kithai thhaae ||21|| |
O Moollah, no one knows where death shall strike. ||21|| |
igAwn hIxM AigAwn pUjw ] |
giaan heena(n) agiaan poojaa || |
Without spiritual wisdom, the people worship ignorance. |
AMD vrqwvw Bwau dUjw ]22] |
a(n)dhh varathaavaa bhaao dhoojaa ||22|| |
They grope in the darkness, in the love of duality. ||22|| |
gur ibnu igAwnu Drm ibnu iDAwnu ] |
gur bin giaan dhharam bin dhhiaan || |
Without the Guru, there is no spiritual wisdom; without Dharma, there is no meditation. |
sc ibnu swKI mUlo n bwkI ]23] |
sach bin saakhee moolo n baakee ||23|| |
Without Truth, there is no credit; without capital, there is no balance. ||23|| |
mwxU GlY auTI clY ] |
maanoo ghalai out(h)ee chalai || |
The mortals are sent into the world; then, they arise and depart. |
swdu nwhI ievyhI glY ]24] |
saadh naahee eivaehee galai ||24|| |
There is no joy in this. ||24|| |
rwmu JurY dl mylvY AMqir blu AiDkwr ] |
raam jhurai dhal maelavai a(n)thar bal adhhikaar || |
Raam Chand, sad at heart, assembled his army and forces. |
bMqr kI sYnw syvIAY min qin juJu Apwru ] |
ba(n)thar kee sainaa saeveeai man than jujh apaar || |
The army of monkeys was at his service; his mind and body became eager for war. |
sIqw lY gieAw dhisro lCmxu mUE srwip ] |
seethaa lai gaeiaa dhehasiro lashhaman mooou saraap || |
Raawan captured his wife Sita, and Lachhman was cursed to die. |
nwnk krqw krxhwru kir vyKY Qwip auQwip ]25] |
naanak karathaa karanehaar kar vaekhai thhaap outhhaap ||25|| |
O Nanak, the Creator Lord is the Doer of all; He watches over all, and destroys what He has created. ||25|| |
mn mih JUrY rwmcMdu sIqw lCmx jogu ] |
man mehi jhoorai raamacha(n)dh seethaa lashhaman jog || |
In his mind, Raam Chand mourned for Sita and Lachhman. |
hxvMqru AwrwiDAw AwieAw kir sMjogu ] |
hanava(n)thar aaraadhhiaa aaeiaa kar sa(n)jog || |
Then, he remembered Hanuman the monkey-god, who came to him. |
BUlw dYqu n smJeI iqin pRB kIey kwm ] |
bhoolaa dhaith n samajhee thin prabh keeeae kaam || |
The misguided demon did not understand that God is the Doer of deeds. |
nwnk vyprvwhu so ikrqu n imteI rwm ]26] |
naanak vaeparavaahu so kirath n mittee raam ||26|| |
O Nanak, the actions of the Self-existent Lord cannot be erased. ||26|| |
lwhOr shru jhru khru svw phru ]27] |
laahaar sehar jehar kehar savaa pehar ||27|| |
The city of Lahore suffered terrible destruction for four hours. ||27|| |
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